中秋晚会的筹委们正在如火如荼地为中秋晚会做最后的冲刺!!还有一天,这盛大的活动就要在精英大学的Main Campus举行!!大家一定要捧场哦!
The Mid-Autumn Festival Evening's preparatory committees are like a raging fire making the final sprint for the Mid-Autumn Festival Evening! One more day left, and this grand activity will be hold in HELP university college's Main Campus!! Certainly, everybody must support!MAFE's preparatory committees, hang on there!! This is the last day!! No matter how is the result, we know that we have contribute. Friends, you are the best! Gambatteh! As long as we don't give up, there will be still HOPE!!!
MAFE's staff, thank for your support!! Believes in yourself, you will surmount the limit, surmounted yourself! Believes in yourself, that you will win the victory, and create a miracle! Your sweat won't be wasted, with your passion and laughter, move forward!!
Finally, heavenly blessing for our finance and drama office Miss Pik Jia Wen, Alicia as she just passed her birthday yesterday. Wishes that your day will fill with novelty, joyous and happiness!!
Remember, don't miss the fun tomorrow~~!!!
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