Sunday, September 9, 2007

爆料:月饼吗?1st Hand: Mooncakes?



“餅皮是衣裳, 添月餅五顏六色。 蓮蓉是骨肉,潤月餅國色天香。 咸蛋是臟腑,增月餅濃情蜜味。巧手雙雙洗淨的咸蛋黃, 橙紅誘人 一粒粒稍微烤熱,烘干水分,香噴噴。一粒餅倆粒咸蛋,我擠緊你, 你靠攏我, 任它烘爐似火,依然面似桃花, 它們用愛和夢撐起風風雨雨的天空。”

狗仔看得口水流,心痒痒。华文文化协会,你到底什么葫芦,卖什么药?狗仔还发现,一封被主席列为“机密”的文件。狗仔当然二话不说,立刻打开文件,以看看里面的内幕!!哇,不得了~~ 这主席太过分了吧,还要跟狗仔要密码?!?呜呜~~


After the first round of disclosing, CCS has spent a little time in their security aspect. And its harm Doggie can’t find any news for the public. However, “road rules; rule breakers”. This kind of kong fu wants to battle with Doggie? Craps~! HaHa!

This time Doggie’s discovery is food that hangs a person full appetite!

Sweetness is like the feeling of river water flows through a valley. If you can't imagine it, try one. Clean yolks carefully and then slightly brown them with low heart to dry. Press in each cake with two yolks and bake until it turns reddish.”

Doggie’s saliva flows, heart itches. CCS, what are you hiding behind us? Doggie also discovered a document, marked as “confidential” by the President of CCS. Without a second thought, Doggie certainly try to open the document, and peek for the inside story!! Ha, Mr. President ~~ this is too much, a password from Doggie?!? Hum ~~

Doggie’s fortunate was well, and manage to successfully “hack” into Mr. President's computer. What obtains, walau ~! How come it is so illegible? But could it be the price list document? Could the insufficient information is dedicate to the delicious food? Could it be mooncakes? Oh, the price looks not clearly! But forget about it! The thought of the delicious food, Doggie decided to BUY! Are you still waiting?
Faster give your ORDER to CCS!! Doggie going to FINISH every single bit before you!! Dare to challenge?? HaHa!!

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