《第三届精英杯全国中学生辩论比赛》将在今年12月 正式引爆。为了准备此项盛事,我们正式开始招收 筹委以参与我们一起筹备这项 盛事比赛。如有兴趣者请于四月十一日(星期日)前联络或电邮此活动的负责人-刘淑娴(017-796 6359/bernicelau88@gmail.com)或Joy(017-679 2168/yiyu_blueberry@hotmail.c...om)。 只要你感兴趣,无论是否有辩论经验 都没有关系,我们热烈欢迎你的加入。
To HELP UC Students,
The Third Annual HELP National High School Chinese Debate Competition will be held in mid of December, 2010. Therefore, we are currently recruiting organising committees. If you are interested in this event, please submit your name to the person in-charge, Bernice Lau before the closing date, 11 April 2010 (Sunday). If you have any inquiries, please contact the person in-charge, Bernice Lau (bernicelau88@gmail.com/017-796 6359) or Joy (yiyu_blueberry@hotmail.com/017-679 2168). Whether you have prior debate experience is not important, as long as you have the enthusiasm we are looking for. We are looking forward to your participation.
Thank you.
Debate committee-
To HELP UC Students,
The Third Annual HELP National High School Chinese Debate Competition will be held in mid of December, 2010. Therefore, we are currently recruiting organising committees. If you are interested in this event, please submit your name to the person in-charge, Bernice Lau before the closing date, 11 April 2010 (Sunday). If you have any inquiries, please contact the person in-charge, Bernice Lau (bernicelau88@gmail.com/017-796 6359) or Joy (yiyu_blueberry@hotmail.com/017-679 2168). Whether you have prior debate experience is not important, as long as you have the enthusiasm we are looking for. We are looking forward to your participation.
Thank you.
Debate committee-