Sunday, December 21, 2008

另一个盛大的活动 Another Grand Event

华人农历新年可说是在华族群中最盛大,最热闹,以及最重要的庆典。这是一个去旧迎新的特别日子,大家会互相道声恭喜,并聚在一起迎接新一年的到来,而同时也欢送旧的一年的离去。 再一次,华文学会将在今年为你们带来了这一个热闹新年的庆典。我们诚意邀请你们参与这一个喜气洋洋且具有重大意义的庆典,和我们一起在2009年1月19日这一天,在main block lower foyer,预先感受新年热烈的气氛! 我们将会为你们带来一连串的表演和娱乐节目,例如 最具传统新年代表性的舞狮表演,高难度的扯铃表演,以及更多节目等着你们来观赏。此外,不妨逗留在我们精心准备的游戏摊位前挑战游戏以及赢取奖品回家吧!不忘提一下,我们也将准备传统的华人美食,让你们大饱口福。加入我们的庆典吧,你将会感受到欢愉的新年气氛!
请联络: Pang - 0179551114

The Chinese New Year celebration was perhaps the most elaborate, colorful, and important event for the chinese community . it was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year.

Again this year, the Chinese Cultural Society of HELP would likely to invite everyone of you to join us and celebrate the meaningful event on the 19 january 2009 at Lower Foyer, Main Block.

We promise you with a lot of wonderful performances and entertainment such as the great lion dance, chinese yoyo and lots more awaiting you to be watch. Stop at our game booths to enjoy fun and trikery games and win prizes while we are all well prepared with the chinese tradisional cruisine for you to taste. Stick with us and we will promise you a wonderful chinese new year which you wont forget.

Purchase the entrance fee for RM10 = COUPONS
(Please Leave a Message if interested or Call me.. Pang : 0179551114 for coupons enquiries)